Order Notification API

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Methods and endpoints

The Order Notification API allows you to receive notifications:

  • associated with an order when the order changes status
  • associated with an order when the order has a completed event/action
  • when a service you own is impacted by another order.

The Order Notification API includes the following methods and endpoints.

Endpoint descriptionMethod and endpointFunction
API asset versionGET /versionA GET operation, which is implemented and supported by you to allow Chorus to validate the version of the API you have implemented.
Lists the major, minor and patch version of the API you have currently implemented.
Order notificationPOST /orderNotificationNotifies changes to fibre orders that are a result of updates to an order, or against an active service.
POST /orderNotification

The POST /orderNotification endpoint is a POST operation which is implemented and supported by you to allow you to receive notifications sent by Chorus regarding changes to orders or services you own.

Note: You will need to contact API Support:
- after you have implemented your POST /orderNotification endpoint, to provide us with the endpoint details.
- if you require IP address whitelisting, to request IP address information.

Learn more about how to use this API
